What are Clear Aligners?- Clear Aligners Cost in Bangalore

Crooked teeth are not just an aesthetic concern but also pose problems with the functionality of the teeth. The traditional method of straightening the teeth is with metal braces. The only drawback with metal braces is their low aesthetic value.

To solve this problem of aesthetic concern, especially amongst young adults, the latest way of correcting crooked teeth arrangement is clear aligners or clear braces. Clear aligners are plastic trays that fit snugly onto your teeth and exert a constant force on them. This continuous pressure brings some change at a molecular level in the bone to facilitate tooth movement.

If you also want an aesthetic option to correct crooked teeth, then clear aligners are your perfect choice The cost of clear aligner therapy depends on the severity of the case and the time required for the treatment.

Our team of experts at  Bangalore Dental Specialists will clinically examine your current dental status and radiologically assess your condition before formulating a customized treatment plan. The information below will briefly discuss the benefits, procedures, and aftercare of clear aligners- brought to you by   Bangalore Dental Specialists.

Benefits of Clear Aligners – Clear Aligners Cost in Bangalore

  • Can be removed
  • No food restrictions
  • Easy to use for the patient
  • No impact on day-to-day activities
  • Entirely painless procedure
  • Correct majority of crooked teeth cases
  • No irritation to the soft tissues like cheeks and gums
  • Easy aftercare protocols
  • Maintenance is quite simple
  • Free visits to the dentist
  • No readjustments are required
  • Highly aesthetic compared to braces
  • Comfortable to wear

Is it right for me?- Clear Aligners Cost in Bangalore

  • Clear aligners are selected after a comprehensive clinical examination of your case.
  • It is an excellent option for students and office-going people
  • Clear aligners are used for all kinds of misalignments
  • It is a perfect choice for people with good oral hygiene habits
  • To confirm your eligibility, we recommend a complete checkup with our experts at  Bangalore Dental Specialists

The procedure of Clear Aligners- Clear Aligners Cost in Bangalore

  • The process begins with a consultation with our smile experts, where you can discuss all your queries and clear your doubts regarding the procedure
  • The next step is impression making, which helps in making study models to analyze your case better and formulate a treatment plan tailor-made for you
  • The impressions are used to create models that are sent to the labs for the fabrication of the clear aligner plates
  • The clear aligners are given in a set of plates that are to be worn sequentially
  • The users are advised to wear the plates in a correct sequence without skipping any plates
  • The time duration for wearing the plates depends on your case
  • You should remove the plates while eating and drinking anything except water

Aftercare of Clear Aligners – Clear Aligners Cost in Bangalore

  • The aftercare of clear aligners is simple and very similar to cleaning the natural teeth
  • Always store the aligners in the case provided to keep the plates
  • Never skip the follow-up visits scheduled at  Bangalore Dental Specialists
  • Clean the plates with a soft brush before storing the aligners

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