An Overview Of Wisdom Tooth Pain – how to reduce wisdom tooth pain
Wisdom tooth erupts at 18-24 yrs, and in many individuals, it does not erupt properly due to insufficient space in the jaw. The wisdom teeth can remain impacted or erupt at a location that is not a desired position for it. Wisdom tooth pain is a common finding in young adults of this age group, and the most common concern for them is how to reduce wisdom tooth pain. In the information provided below, we will briefly discuss an overview of wisdom teeth and how to reduce wisdom tooth pain – brought to you by Bangalore Dental Specialists.
Causes of wisdom tooth pain
When a wisdom tooth does not have enough space to erupt at the correct location, it becomes impacted and leads to pressure on the surrounding areas, including the adjacent teeth, leading to wisdom tooth pain. When partially erupted, wisdom teeth are often prone to infection due to improper cleaning. The food gets stuck between the soft tissue and the partially erupted tooth. Inflammation of the soft tissues around the wisdom tooth is called pericoronitis and is a leading cause of tooth pain in young adults.
Tooth decay
Due to the food getting stuck between the soft tissue and the partially erupted wisdom tooth, this area becomes a site for bacterial growth. As the bacteria grow in such pockets, there are high chances of third molar developing tooth decay.
Gum disease
When wisdom teeth emerge improperly, they can create hard-to-reach spaces that trap food and bacteria, leading to gum disease and subsequent pain.
How to reduce wisdom tooth pain
We are discussing some home remedies that temporarily relieve wisdom tooth pain. However, it should be noted that none of these methods qualify to replace professional guidance. It is in your best interest to get your complete dental examination done at the earliest to know the exact condition of your wisdom tooth. Our team at Bangalore Dental Specialists will carefully examine your condition clinically and radiologically to formulate a customized treatment plan.
Clove oil
It is a basic home remedy of applying clove oil in the affected area. Clove oil has antiseptic properties and is known to provide you with temporary relief. It helps numb the area for some time, helping you get some relief.
Cold compression
When used intermittently from outside on the cheeks, ice packs are a pain reliever. The cold compression acts by reducing the blood flow in the affected area
Warm saline rinses
Taking lukewarm water and mixing a pinch of salt to do mouth rinses can do miracles. It is a common way to relieve toothache for some time. The warmth of the water soothes the area and salt in it helps in relieving the inflammation.
Over-the-counter medicines are temporary pain relievers for wisdom tooth pain. Painkillers should be taken as a last resort when natural methods don’t have much effect on your wisdom tooth pain.
The bottom line
This discussion concludes that a few handy methods can help you reduce wisdom tooth pain. But it should be noted that the first priority should always be getting your complete checkup done for a professional wisdom tooth pain treatment.