Why tooth pain occurs – Know about the common causes

Toothache is the pain around teeth and the surrounding soft tissues. The toothaches can be minor to severe in intensity. There are various causes of tooth pain; the treatment depends on the root cause. The most common question asked to our Bangalore Dental Specialists experts is: Why tooth pain occurs?

So, if you are wondering why tooth pain occurs, then read the information provided below – brought to you by Bangalore Dental Specialists. We have briefly discussed the probable causes and ways to prevent toothache. Without further delay, let us get started.

Why tooth pain occurs – Common causes of toothache

Decayed tooth

The most common cause of tooth pain is damaged or decayed teeth. Our teeth comprise three layers; the innermost layer is the nerves and blood vessels of the teeth. When tooth decay reaches the innermost layer or the pulp of the tooth, it causes pain. The treatment of a decayed tooth depends upon the severity of the damage. If the decay is limited to the first two layers, the tooth can be restored with a dental filling. When the pulp gets involved, the treatment is RCT, also known as root canal treatment. 

Tooth Sensitivity

The sharp shooting pain occurs when the affected tooth is exposed to hot or cold stimuli. The tooth gets affected when the enamel that protects the tooth wears off, and the underneath layers get exposed. 

Tooth fracture

Tooth fracture can occur when the tooth is exposed to undue stress and pressure on eating extremely hard food items like walnuts and ice cubes. Teeth clenching or bruxism is another parafunctional habit that puts pressure on the teeth and jaws. The wear and tear of the enamel also leads to exposure of the underneath layers, which leads to toothache.

Wisdom tooth pain

Wisdom tooth erupts at 18-24 yrs, and if there is insufficient space in the jaw, the tooth remains impacted or erupts in a different location. Wisdom tooth pain is common among young adults and adolescents. 

Gum problems

In the initial stages, the gum problems are limited to the soft tissues and cause only changes in the color and texture of the gums. When in the advanced stage, the gum problems start affecting the supporting tissues and cause toothache.

Referred pain

In some instances, the pain is referred to the teeth from some other parts, like the maxillary sinus. The sinusitis pain may be referred to as the pain in the upper back teeth region. 

Symptoms of Toothache

  • Dull or throbbing pain
  • Pain can be constant or spontaneous
  • Swelling in the gums or surrounding soft tissues
  • Sometimes tooth pain is associated with fever

Are any home remedies available?

  • Lukewarm saline rinses can help reduce inflammation to a certain extent.
  • Cold compression can reduce the blood flow to that region and can give temporary relief.
  • Clove oil can also provide temporary relief due to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Over-the-counter medications can also help for a short duration

Please note that these home remedies are only beneficial for a short duration, and it is in your best interest to get a complete check-up done at the earliest to know the root cause of your tooth pain for a proper treatment

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